I help you land your next Six / Seven figure job faster than you thought possible.

The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Transitions During career transitions, personal branding acts as a compass, guiding professionals through new and unfamiliar territories   It enables the communication of transferable skills and experiences that may not directly align with a new role but are valuable nonetheless, Crafting a compelling narrative about one’s professional journey can […]


JOB BOARDS ~ There is another option!

Cool Hand Luke ~ “Get Your Mind Right”~ Job BoardsThe job you want is unlikely to be posted online, and even if it is, as you can see from the cartoon, you will be one of many, so you need to stand out. Job boards are an absolute must…

The Importance of Personal Branding for Career Progression

The importance of personal branding for career progression cannot be underestimated. Personal branding refers to cultivating and promoting an image that highlights one's distinctive skills, qualities, and reputation. In today's job market, establishing…

Your Executive Resume Writer Relationship

The word INTIMACY~ Into-Me-See. No, I am not suggesting an improper relationship but simply highlighting the need for MORE in our career relationships than just the strict business-as-usual paradigm. My work as an Executive and C-Suite resume…

Your Career Is No Different Than Any Small Business

You are the product, and your employer is the market to whom you provide services. You have competition in the form of other people offering services that might be cheaper or superior to yours. Your personal business is also susceptible to other…

Irma Rojas

Your career with Irma's expertise Today.

“My values are built on a passion for people and superior service, with a commitment to integrity and honesty.” These are the values of CXO Resumes.


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“Irma understands the Executive and C-Suite requirements She makes you just think hard about your career so that you have clarity in your career goals. Working exclusively with Irma was a joy and sometimes hard as she made me do the work on myself that was needed to have a clear vision that made interviewing a breeze and identifying my ideal company and position easy to do. Her process yields results and that’s what matters. I recommend her unreservedly.”

“Irma is a true master at her craft. Her ability to communicate one’s value to a potential employer via resumes and LinkedIn is second to none. Greatly appreciated.”