The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Transitions
The Impact of Personal Branding on Career TransitionsDuring career transitions, personal branding acts as a compass, guiding professionals through new and unfamiliar territories It enables the communication of transferable skills and…

JOB BOARDS ~ There is another option!
Cool Hand Luke ~ “Get Your Mind Right”~ Job BoardsThe job you want is unlikely to be posted online, and even if it is, as you can see from the cartoon, you will be one of many, so you need to stand out. Job boards are an absolute must…

The Importance of Personal Branding for Career Progression
The importance of personal branding for career progression cannot be underestimated. Personal branding refers to cultivating and promoting an image that highlights one's distinctive skills, qualities, and reputation. In today's job market, establishing…

Your Executive Resume Writer Relationship
The word INTIMACY~ Into-Me-See. No, I am not suggesting an improper relationship but simply highlighting the need for MORE in our career relationships than just the strict business-as-usual paradigm. My work as an Executive and C-Suite resume…