CXO Resumes

Your Executive Resume Writer Relationship


The word INTIMACY~ Into-Me-See. No, I am not suggesting an improper relationship but simply highlighting the need for MORE in our career relationships than just the strict business-as-usual paradigm. My work as an Executive and C-Suite resume writer means that your success depends on me being able to see you and hear your story. Most people do not realize how much work goes into a professional job-winning resume or C-Suite Biography.

As a TORI award-winning resume writer, I take the time to understand each client and their unique story truly. I conduct in-depth interviews and gather details illustrating the client’s experiences, skills, and traits. I then translate these into compelling narratives within the resume, LinkedIn profile, and biography. By the way, TORI awards are like the Oscars of Resume Writing. Yay…ok so I am boasting a little and very proud of how far I have come these past 20 years, helping folks believe in their value and getting them the careers they deserve.

But that’s not all that I am. I am a mother, a wife, and shock of shocks a Grandmother~ (::)………

My husband and stepson are award-winning photographers. My hubby, in a prior life, was CEO of 2 Nasdaq companies and retired at 45 to follow his passion in photography.

Passion represents that magnetic pull towards a field you truly geek out about. You’ve hit the jackpot when you’ve found a job that lets you indulge your passion every day. I hit the jackpot.

I love the images made by my husband and stepson. LinkedIn is about business and connections and in writing here I am seeking your input. Are you sick and tired of “stock images” in your newsfeed? Would you like beauty maybe 2/3 times a week with a few words of life and wisdom? Let me know.

Contact me at or call me at 561-600-0398.


Consultation Link:

#executiveresumewriter #linkedinstrategy  #personalbranding   #jobsearch

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